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A member registered May 04, 2020

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This was quite pleasant. It's a rather quick game to play, so it's fun and easy to explore the other routes as well. At times, I was a bit confused by the lore but playing the other routes helped with that.

The only thing I could really "complain" about - it didn't bother me, but some people it might - was that some routes didn't have background music. I think it was mainly Valle's route.

Otherwise a lovely game with interesting characters! Cheers!

WARNING.  Major Spoilers may follow.















I totally get what you mean, I had the same reaction.

Now, I'm still really looking forward to the next chapters because I want to know how they deal with Zovak and if MC will end up being the queen or whatever will happen   (and I can't resist Damon's sweet temptation...) but when N popped up again and had a whole arse army behind her, I just felt...a bit disappointed.

This development basically takes everything MC fought for out of her hands, leaving her with literally nothing to do but date and participate in whatever N has planned.

She has her memory back. She has no reason to assemble an army. She won’t need to do any intelligence work, because N probably has all of that finely laid out. She is no longer the only one left – which solves the big question “HOW do we save Seleota and WHAT am I able and willing to do to achieve that?” So, what exactly is MC’s purpose now?

The next thing that really worries me, is MC’s progress. Be it big, be it small – things happened. MC learned fighting, she got to know the system and its inhabitants and she actually saw what needed to be done. How badly Seleota needed a good leader. She was growing out of her former shadow-princess role. She was starting to leave that whole timid-royal shell, to move on and actually become someone that has presence. She tried to no longer be the ignored-princess. Because she CAN’T be. Because she basically carries the whole of Seleota on her shoulders, being the last Peg’asi. She had decisions to make, she had to become a centre figure of revolution. And she wanted to help, because she would have the means to do so.

But now that’s no longer necessary.

N is all that already. She’s a good leader, she knows what is wrong with Seleota, she has plans that will change how things go and she’s already strong, cunning and intelligent. And she actually has people, more than six of them, that are willing to follow her and fight for her. N is basically a full-on lion, followed by her pride. MC is barely a lion cub yet.

Now that MC is being pushed aside, what will she do? Go back to being the quiet-princess, off to walk in her sister’s shadow?  Basically being the same loyal sibling once more?    Just as it has been before? No more than an observer in a story that could have been hers? Or will she try to stand beside her sister and keep whatever little progress she made?

And on that note: It is said, that N has the habit of coddling MC to protect her. To purposely keep MC out of the loop to keep her save. Now, will she keep on doing that? I mean, old habits die hard, right? And does that mean, the we’ll now get a bunch of scenes where MC is struggling against her sister at the WORST possible time, simply to prove something? To prove that she’s not worthless, that she can handle being involved (possibly endangering other people in the process)? I really really don’t want people clicking their tongue at our childish MC and her “tamper tantrums”.

So, while I really like that MC won’t automatically be forced to become the queen now simply because there’s no one left, I really worry that the story will either get really flat or annoyingly rebellious from here on out.

The only thing that I think can turn this whole thing on its head, is exposing N as a villain. Maybe as one of those mindless-super-warriors of Zovak’s, created to flush out the last of the resistance and get rid of them all at once. And nobody but MC notices, because she’s the one who knew N best. Obviously, nobody believes her (nobody but our favourite crew, of course), so she actually still has to solve the whole issue AND find out how to turn N back to normal.

Now THAT would be a plot twist I support. 

Ahahah, thank you! Just the flair I originally wanted to add!

Personally, I'm not agreeing on the whole "MC is useless" thing, but I see how people could get that  impression. She's not as strong or present as our other characters and remains quiet a lot. 

However, I'm swooping in to say: An arc and the character having any sort of presence or influence are not the same pair of shoes. The MC arc will obviously peak much later than all the other arcs. That doesn't quite keep MC from being more than a spectator of the story, though. So I don't quite think the arcs are the problem here.

(Please imagine a fork ton of emoji's, since I can't place any for some reason.)

Yes, it always happens as long as you forgave him. 

Honestly, same. I've played all the routes - damon's twice - and I'm about to start again.

I've had this game for about a week now.

Someone help. I NEED MORE.